小鼠與大鼠在生醫研究發展上是應用最為廣泛的實驗動物資源,近年來研究人員利用基因編輯技術幫助產製許多疾病動物模式,想了解如何運用輔助生殖技術建立實驗動物資源? 本課程邀請到日本熊本大學附設動物資源與發展中心生殖工程部的研究人員,與我們分享大小鼠輔助生殖技術系列主題。
時間:10/2 14:00-15:30
地點:Webex線上直播 & 國家生技研究園區G棟
(報名預設為線上課程,歡迎報名現場講座與國際知名講師群交流,現場名額有限,請洽課務小組 course.nlac@narlabs.org.tw)
**報名「10/3-4日實驗小鼠冷凍保存與生殖技術訓練」實作課程者,已包含此講座課程,請勿重複報名 **
Toward a robust infrastructure of mouse and rat resources using improved reproductive technology
Mouse resources are the most established system to deeply understand gene functions in a body and discover innovative technologies to save human lives against diseases. CARD at Kumamoto University has played a role in a hub research center of mouse resources since 1998. To establish the CARD mouse bank, we continuously developed various reproductive technologies and shared the technologies through online manuals and hands-on workshops. In 2012, we co-organized the CARD-NLAC Reproductive Technology Workshop at NLAC in Taiwan. The improved reproductive technology contributes to efficiently managing and sharing mouse resources worldwide and reducing the total number of animals in the research community. Recently, we have been challenged to develop rat reproductive technology and establish a CARD rat bank. In my talk, I will introduce the activities of CARD mouse and rat bank and the related international collaborations.
Toru Takeo, PhD
Division of Reproductive Engineering, Center for Animal Resources and Development (CARD), Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, Kumamoto University, Japan
Rat Reproductive Technology
In recent years, genome editing tools have been widely used in rat research. Therefore, the development of efficient production, storage, and transport technologies for genetically modified rats is highly desired. In this talk, I will discuss recent findings and future perspectives on rat reproductive engineering techniques.
Naomi Nakagata, PhD
Division of Reproductive Biotechnology and Innovation
Center for Animal Resources and Development (CARD), Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, Kumamoto University, Japan
Recent advancements in mouse reproductive technologies
Capacitation is an important event to achieve fertilization in vivo and in vitro. Recently, we published some papers about in vitro fertilization by selecting capacitated sperm using microfluidic technology, optimized in vivo fertilization by synchronization of the ovulation and copulation timings, and a novel compound (dimethyl-a-cyclodextrin: DMACD) to induce capacitation. These techniques will be applicable to efficiently produce in vitro and in vivo fertilized oocytes of genetically modified mice and contribute to the reduction of animal numbers following the 3Rs principle.
Satohiro Nakao, PhD
Assistant Professor,
Division of Reproductive Engineering, Center for Animal Resources and Development (CARD), Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, Kumamoto University, Japan
The use of database applications in laboratory animal facilities
In the laboratory animal facilities, sharing the most up-to-date information can contribute to improved work efficiency. I’m in charge of system development utilizing information technologies centered on databases at CARD, Kumamoto University. In our system, we manage information on the number of breeding cages, breeding costs, archived mouse strains, and performance of reproductive technologies. Open-source software (Linux, Apache, Tomcat, Java, Spring Boot, and PostgreSQL) and AI (large language models) to assist with coding are used to create robust systems at low cost. The system helps to efficiently manage laboratory animal facilities and mouse bank at CARD.
Shuuji Tsuchiyama
Senior Technical Staff,
Division of Reproductive Engineering, Center for Animal Resources and Development (CARD), Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, Kumamoto University, Japan
1. 利用生殖技術在設施中建立大鼠及小鼠資源
2. 大鼠生殖技術
3. 小鼠生殖技術的近期發展
4. 如何在動物設施中使用資料庫應用程式來幫助提高工作效率